The Deutsch Team Mission
We are a team of Realtors who has helped many different people at various stages of life with the importance of homeownership and housing needs. We want to express our appreciation to our local community by giving our time and resources to support the elderly and ease their isolation and loneliness, especially during the holiday season.
Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly Cincinnati
Imagine every day waking up alone, eating alone, sitting home alone, waiting for the hours of the day to pass. No one with whom to share your joys. No one to share your fears. Each day like another. Feeling abandoned. Lonely. Isolated.
Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly (LBFE) is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization committed to relieving isolation and loneliness among the elderly. We offer to people of good will the opportunity to join the elderly in friendship and celebration of life.

Teepe Giving Tree
The holidays can be challenging for these families, and the Giving Tree is designed to provide them with the means to purchase holiday meals and gifts to enjoy and celebrate the season. Learn more about the Teepe Giving Tree.

Angel Sponsorship
Our Angel Sponsors are one-of-a-kind. They are dedicated to the families of Cincinnati. Each sponsor has chosen a charity that they are passionate about. Through the Teepe Family Foundation these local charities receive a donation and become a part of the foundation.
The Deutsch Team
The Deutsch Team is a group of high-energy and synergistic individuals who work together to support the best interests of our customers. Our intent is to offer and deliver a high standard of ethical trust in the advice, guidance, and fiduciary oversight we give to each real estate transaction. Our mission is to help customers reach their goals and to earn their enthusiastic referrals.
The holidays can be challenging for families, and the Giving Tree is designed to provide them with the means to purchase holiday meals and gifts to enjoy and celebrate the season.
The Teepe Family Foundation is pleased to have The Deutsch Team as Giving Tree Angel Sponsors. Along with raising money to support this year’s Giving tree Campaign, your support will also benefit Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly, which the Deutsch Team passionately supports.

The Teepe Family Foundation is pleased to have The Deutsch Team as Giving Tree Angel Sponsors. Along with raising money to support this year’s Giving tree Campaign, your support will also benefit the Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly, which the Deutsch Team passionately supports.
Join them by making a donation to their special charity and giving trees. Each tree is decorated with $400 of local gift cards and delivered to a Cincinnati area family identified by St. Vincent de Paul and are clients of the organization.